Building peace and security through human rights and gender equality.

Lasting Peace

Local, national, regional and global peace is attainable and is inextricably linked with the advancement of women, who are a fundamental force for leadership, conflict resolution and the promotion of lasting peace at all levels.

– Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action, 1995


International Human Rights Law is enforced not just by nation-states, not just government officials, not just by world historical figures, but by people like us, people with the courage and commitment to bring international human rights law home.

-Harold Koh

Rewrite the Rules

Around the world, women have been reshaping societies and rewriting the rules, resulting in changes in laws and policies, increased participation in public life, and changes in the perception of gender roles.

Human Rights

The question of human rights is so fundamentally important that there should be no difference of views about it. We all have common human needs and concerns.

-The Dalai Lama

We cannot have peace and security
without equality. 

Nations cannot be secure if their people are not secure. Where there is inequality and discrimination, violence, poverty, lack of education, lack of economic opportunity, political oppression, environmental disasters, and other destabilizing factors, there is risk of conflict. Human security must be our goal. 

I am fortunate to work with women around the world in advancing gender equality and women’s rights, seeing how together we can make change. Locally I work with immigrants and refugees who made the courageous journey to the U.S. to build a better life for their families. And I have been truly inspired.

I have also found strength in my own journey and believe that despite life’s challenges we all have the power to find peace and transformation within ourselves. 

My aim is to support the efforts of women and human rights activists at the grassroots level and amplify the voices of displaced persons, while also working to advance local, national and international human rights laws and institutions that uphold the dignity and worth of each individual and promote peace and human security. 

Julie Leftwich is a passionate international human rights and gender expert with extensive experience in women, peace and security, combating sexual and gender-based violence, refugee and asylum law, rule of law and access to justice, democracy and governance, and security sector reform. She serves as an international advocate, advisor, trainer, speaker, researcher, and writer for the civil society, political, security, and justice sectors. Learn More about Julie

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